Thursday, December 14, 2006

Back Again

Apparently, if one does not post for a while, blogs on this site get archived. This based on selecting the "View Blog" tab and receiving a page not found message.

It has gotten to be the time of year in which I blunder around in the woods and swale after work, occasionally enduring poked-in-eye-with-stick since I do not favor the use of artificial light when walking. I used to be able to get lost, but apparently not any more. Even when it gets very dim it seems that my feet know the contours and the vague looming shapes are familiar. After an hour or so of wandering, the light when coming upon a dwelling is painful in its intensity.

Next Thursday we gather in another woods around a fire and drink and eat and sing to bring the sun back. I have only done this for a few years, but it's satisfying. It's also a little difficult navigating the return in the snow on a bicycle having had a little too much wine, but things sort out if I sit and ponder for a while.


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